Dartmouth Events

Hawk Henries House Concert

The Native American Program, South House, & Native American House presents a House Concert with Nipmuc musician Hawk Henries.

5 pm – 6 pm
South House
Intended Audience(s): Alumni, Faculty, Postdoc, Staff, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate
Categories: Arts
Registration required.

The Native American Program, South House, & the Native  American House, presents a House Concert with: Hawk Henries. Henries is a member of the Chaubunagungamaug band of Nipmuck. He has been composing original flute music and making flutes using only hand tools and fire for over 30 years.

Registrations are required at: dartgo.org/hawkrsvp

For more information, contact:
Native American Program

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.