The Department of Music offers a foreign study program in London, U.K. The program provides an opportunity for students to combine the hands-on study of music with intensive, experiential exposure to musical performance. The program is open to students (both music majors and non majors) who are instrumentalists, vocalists, and composers, as well as to students whose focus is on music history, theory, sonic arts or ethnomusicology.
Courses bring together the many diverse aspects of musical performance through attendance of more than thirty public performances; students will also participate in weekly individual lessons with UK professionals. Courses offered include MUS 70: Perspectives in Music Performance (taught by the FSP director), which brings together the many diverse aspects of musical performance through attendance of more than thirty public performances, MUS 71: The History of Music in England, and MUS 87: Special Studies in Music Abroad, consisting of weekly individual lessons with U.K. professionals. Student musicians will reap the benefits of a term in London, an undisputed musical capital of Europe. The opportunity to attend concerts and rehearsals, meet performers and artists, and experience firsthand the vibrant musical traditions of London offers unique learning opportunities outside the classroom.
Participant selection will be based on each applicant's interest in music and in musical performance, as demonstrated by past study. Please note that enrollment is limited to 16 students.