Wednesday, September 5
2018 MUSIC 20 Placement Exams
MUSIC 20 Exemption (Part 1: Aural Skills)
*Wednesday, September 5 ONLY*
1:00 PM-2:00 PM, Lower Buck, Hopkins Center
MUSIC 20 Exemption (Part 2: Written Analysis - take home)
Due Friday, September 7
12:00 PM, Music Department, Hopkins Center
- Music 20 is the prerequisite for Music 21, 22, and 23- courses that can be used to fulfill the theory requirement for all students majoring or minoring in music.
- Any student scoring a combined score of 5 on the Music AP exam is exempt from Music 20 and is not required to take the exam.
- This examination consists of two parts: 1) aural skills, and 2) written analysis. Testing of aural skills will take place on Wednesday, 9/5 at 1 pm in Lower Buck (Hopkins Center).
- The written analysis will be distributed at this time, & each student will be required to complete this portion & return the exam to the Music Department main office by 12 pm (Noon) on Friday, 9/7.